Carla Anderson
Resource Teacher
Welcome to Mrs. Anderson's Class!
I am very excited that I will be your teacher this year and have been very busy setting up our classroom and getting it ready for our first day of school. I have been busy preparing lots of fun activities for our class this year. I look forward to seeing you. I hope that like me, you have enjoyed a wonderful summer and that you are ready and excited to start a great new year!
A Little About Me
My name is Carla Anderson. I have been teaching for 28 years here at Prattville Elementary School. I am from Jackson, Alabama and I graduated from Jackson High School, I went to college at Alabama State University in Montgomery, Alabama (Go Hornets) and graduated with a degree in Special Education. I love kids and I love teaching. I have been married for 36 years. I have 2 children and 4 grandchildren. This is a little bit about me. I can't wait to get to know and learn all about you.